My backyard in December through my Nikon D7000 and 85mm/1.4g lens (Danville, CA)



my lemon tree


My 855mm/1.4g  lens I hadn’t unpacked in over a year since we moved to California!  Yikes!

Love our planet and all creatures big and small (dolphin – Big Island, Hawaii)

Celebrate the earth by taking care of this planet that feeds our hunger, quenches our thirst, and gives joy through playful dolphins, stunning sunsets, and colorful flowers.  This dolphin played in the wake of our catamaran earlier this year on the Big Island in Hawaii. The sight of this dolphin reminds me how much I care about keeping our oceans clean for our creatures to swim, play and be part of our lives. Our planet takes care of us and it’s up to us to conserve, keep our waters clean and our soils healthy and free of toxins.  How will you celebrate, show gratitude, and take care of our generous planet today…and every day?  When we take care of our planet, we take care of ourselves.  Love and light…

Happy Earth Day 2015 - Spinner Dolphin - Big Island, Hawaii

Happy Earth Day 2015 – Common Dolphin – Big Island, Hawaii

Whales! Photos taken from the shore near Monterey and Capitola, CA

I have neglected blogging, and taking photos, since we’ve moved to California but, decided it was time to share a few shots of whale sightings in the Monterey Peninsula.  It’s been such a thrill and delight to watch whales several times in the last few months, just from the shore. Powerful, peaceful and magical whales…they calm and astound me.

Humpback whale lunge feeding - Capitola, California

Humpback lunge feeding off the shores of Capitola, CA (July 2014)

humpback whales monterey peninsula

Two of the six humpbacks I watched from Moss Landing near Monterey, California (September 2014)

Fresh snow on Vancouver Island – from Port Angeles (Feb. 25, 2014)

Good morning Canada from Port Angeles, WA USA! Fresh snow and sun shining on the mountains on Vancouver Island across the Strait of Juan de Fuca, west of Victoria, BC. Beautiful!feb25snowCAmountains

365 Project: Mt. Rainier Sunrise – landscape or portrait? (Seattle, WA)


Mount Rainier sunrise – landscape crop (Nikon D7000, 50mm/1.4G)

I posted this sunrise pic with my iPhone and am just getting around to checking out the shots using my Nikon D7000. Which crop do you prefer? Landscape or portrait? Thanks for your input, shutterbugs!!


Mount Rainier sunrise – portrait crop (Nikon D7000, 50mm/1.4G)