365 Project – 173: Yoga in the desert – Sedona, AZ (June 22, 2013) #baptisteyogateachertraining #baptiste #sedona




12 comments on “365 Project – 173: Yoga in the desert – Sedona, AZ (June 22, 2013) #baptisteyogateachertraining #baptiste #sedona

  1. Grayce Klass says:



  2. lisa5477 says:

    I love Baptiste yoga! Yay! you!!!!!!!!!


    • meelswa says:

      obviously, I do too! and baron baptiste is AMAZING!! so grateful I chose him as my yoga teacher trainer. 🙂


      • lisa5477 says:

        Are you training with him personally? Or online? I think I would go with Baron Bapitste too. I do love him. Either way it’s cool. I have wanted to teach yoga for a while now. I taught kickboxing for years and loved it. I think Yoga would be great fun too. Good for you for going for it!!!


      • meelswa says:

        I trained with him LIVE baby!! if you’re considering teaching yoga I highly recommend going with Baron, especially if the spiritual aspect of yoga and personal empowerment resonates with you. and you must be a bad-ass, teaching kickboxing…nice! 🙂


      • lisa5477 says:

        LIVE!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!! WOWzA! I’m so excited for you! I’ll look into. Who knows maybe yoga teacher will be my next thing. 🙂 I think that would be really cool!

        Thanks for calling me a bad ass. 🙂 LOL!!! NO! I’m really not. I don’t even have one tattoo. 🙂 I’m just a mom. But, when my 18 and 21 year old sons think they are going to intimidate me ((like boys this age often think they will try on their moms)) my boys back down fast. . . I have been in the ring and they know I would wipe the floor up with them. I find that very cool AND you wouldn’t want to attack me in a dark alley. My husband says he just doesn’t worry about me when I run to the store late at night. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. LOL! I always say. . . “we will both get hurt.” I have a Black belt in kickboxing and a brown in Kempo Karate. I took for 10 years taught for 5 and then had to stop. I had a baby, my father died, my husbands father died and just a whole bunch of other things going on all at once. Ugh!!! Life! I miss it all terribly! . . . teaching and playing. I hope you have a great day!!!! Lisa


      • meelswa says:

        Lisa: you are DEFINITELY a bad ass!! and, having a tattoo has nothing to do with it! I’m a huge fan of yoga. whether you’re a student or teacher. and, if you love teaching, make it happen. you can do it!!


      • lisa5477 says:

        Hey meelswa,

        I moved my computer desk and now I have to wait for the cable guy to come put me back online. 😦 Anyway, Thanks!!!!!!! for the motivation this week. I have been doing a lot of yoga. MAN it FEELS SO GOOD!!!


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